A Mediation Practice Is A Great Investment In Yourself
There’s no denying the mounting scientific evidence that shows the health benefits of establishing a regular meditation practice. Benefits like …
- Less worry, anxiety and impulsivity
- Less stress, fear, loneliness and depression
- Enhanced self-esteem and self acceptance
- Increased mental strength and focus
- Better decision making and problem solving
- Stronger immune system and sustained energy levels
- Longevity
- Reduced blood pressure
We could go on …
Still, even with all this proof, carving out the time to sit and do “nothing” may feel like an impossibility. Who are these super people winning at life with minutes to spare and focus on a regular meditation practice? The answer? You, with advice from the below meditation and mindfulness gurus on how anyone (yes, anyone) can get their stillness on. Go deeper by following the links to see what styles they practice and offer. Like yoga, ice cream and fruit snacks, your favorite meditation flavor is up to you. While one approach may not appeal another could totally rock, er… calm your world.
5 Tips To Stick To Your Meditation Practice
1. Start Small
“If you are new to meditation, I recommend starting slowly. Start with just 5 minutes each day. Gradually increase the time over several weeks. When I started meditating, five minutes felt like an eternity. I now practice for 30 minutes a day, and sometimes I am surprised at how quickly it passes!”
– Sarah Rudell Beach, Left Brain Buddha
2. Find Your Spot
“Create a real space in your home for your practice. Get a real cushion, and set up a little altar, which is personal to you. It could be just a picture of somebody who inspires you and a candle. That simple. But we need a space that reminds us of our practice every day.”
– Ethan Nichtern, Author and Buddhist Teacher
3. Make It Routine
“Pick a time and trigger. Not an exact time of day, but a general time, like morning when you wake up, or during your lunch hour. The trigger should be something you already do regularly, like drink your first cup of coffee, brush your teeth, have lunch, or arrive home from work.”
– Leo Babauta, Zen Habits
4. Be Nice
“Ultimately, it is all about your relationship with yourself. The way you do anything is the way you do everything. Meditation teaches us radical acceptance, compassion, and unconditional love. Be sweet to your convoluted mind. Surrender to exactly who you are and what is happening — right here, right now.
– Ashley Turner, Mind, Body, Psychotherapy for Mind Body Green
5. Find a Buddy
“Maybe you know someone who has had the interest to start a practice or you go on meetup.com and check to see if there are any groups in your area. Or maybe you look at an app like Insight Timer that has worldwide online and in-person groups to check in with. Again, a buddy is not essential to start, but it can help you feel more connected to others who are aligned with this interest of yours. Ultimately that really helps motivation.”
–Elisha Goldstein, A Course In Mindful Living for Mindful