If excess sugar, fat and alcohol have got you feeling more naughty than nice post holiday season, you may be gearing up for a diet detox – No more candy! No cocktails! No more fatty foods! Right? Not so fast according to research, which shows that taking drastic measures to get back on track can actually wreak more havoc on the body causing symptoms similar to those experienced during drug withdrawal – think, anxiety, depression and general malaise. The good news is that there are ways to shape up – gently. Here are three tips to reclaim your healthy glow.
Find your balance.
Make sure you’re getting a rainbow of nutrients in each meal. This often means leaning more heavily towards lean protein and vegetables and limiting starches, which are often overly consumed and often spike blood sugar, says health expert and doctor Mark Hyman. Opt for alkaline-forming foods, such as dark leafy greens, pears and lemons, which help to balance the body’s pH levels, reduce inflammation and balance blood sugar levels. If you’re not sure where to start, consider making a meal plan using some of the protein-rich, alkaline recipes found on our website.
Start each morning with a glass of water.
Dry winter weather, and our tendency to indulge in more alcoholic drinks this time of year means the body can be dehydrated. Fuel your system with the H20 it needs to detox the toxins and waste materials it may be storing from weeks of overindulgence. That’s 64 to 80 ounces a day for men and women and 40 to 64 ounces for children 5 to 12. Front-load consumption by putting a glass of naturally alkalizing lemon water on your nightstand table and drinking upon waking.
Get your magnesium.
Adding this miracle mineral to your diet can go a long way towards supporting your overall wellbeing. Magnesium is shown to boost energy, calm nerves, support digestion, ease constipation, relieve muscle aches and spasms, prevent migraines and more. Snack on magnesium rich foods throughout the day such as pumpkin seeds and almonds. You may also consider a magnesium supplement before bed, which can support a restful sleep.